Life At Koinonia, Syndicated admin Life At Koinonia, Syndicated admin

Getting Ready for TC!

What do rapping, line dancing, and Thanksgiving meal have in common? Nothing...except that's what we'll be experiencing...What do rapping, line dancing, and Thanksgiving meal have in common? Nothing...except that's what we'll be experiencing at Thanksgiving Celebration (a.k.a. TC) this year! Thanksgiving Celebration is an annual tradition that our church back at Berkeley had where different ministry groups presented an act that described what they were thankful to God for this past year, and this event is often accompanied by a delicious Thanksgiving feast. Bringing the tradition to Austin, we'll be having our own presentations and acts this Sunday along with the turkey and all the fixings.

In preparation this special event, we had our very first TC practice last week. Bryan and Joyce's group practiced their hip hop moves to Canon in D while Lillian and Carlton's group got western with line dancing. Needless to say Sunday will be a night of much laughs, joy, and giving thanks to God.

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