Juniors' Spring Getaway
60% chance of rain? That wasn't going to stop the juniors from having their long awaited getaway to Longhorn Lodge! This...
Texas Winter Wonderland: Winter Gatherings 2016
As many are back home for winter break, spending time with family or preparing themselves for the semester...
Celebrating the Thanksgiving season!
As a bonus, after the first part of the retreat on Friday, we kicked off our first Thanksgiving Celebration (TC) Practice.
Freshman Outing to Enchanted Rock!
The freshmen had an "enchanted" time on Enchanted Rock a few weeks ago. As we made our trek up this giant pink rock,...
Of the Cosmic Universe...and Carnivals?
This past Friday, Pastor Jonathan donned his Chemistry PhD hat and came onstage as Dr. Jonathan Lee to present...
Sophomore Homegroup Gatherings and More!
Hey there! Wondering what the sophomores have been up on the weekends?
The Dynamic Dallas Gathering!
With many back at home for the summer, several of us in Austin decided to take a trip to Dallas to visit...
Longhorn Gym Construction Commences!
The smell of plywood and Gatorade mix? The sound of power tools and cheers after every small accomplishment? The sight...
Atlanta Vision Trip: Making memories that span 8 states!
Did you know that Igloo was founded by Eskimos that couldn’t handle the southern heat? Or that the name Kia...
2015 Freshman Brothers Corpus Christi Getaway
Saturday, April 25th. The legendary freshmen brothers trip began as we set out from our 405 building on the...
Good Friday and Easter Service 2015
We begin our Passion Week with Palm Sunday, the day Jesus enters into Jerusalem, and his arrival was welcomed by many...
ACTS 2015 and 4 Campus Evangelism Tour
Over spring break, over 60 of us went on a 4 Campus Evangelism...
Valentine's Day of Compassion 2015
For each class, Valentine's Day was a day of compassion, when we went out to share Christ-centered love in places that...