Because God First Loved Us...
This Valentine’s Day, we continued our annual tradition of visiting different nursing and settlement homes throughout Austin to spend some quality time with residents there.
Pursuit of Happiness
For our first special talk of the semester, John gave a message on the Pursuit of Happiness.
Winter Retreat 2017: Heroes of Faith Edition
During this year’s college Winter Retreat, we learned about the lives of different ‘heroes of faith’ throughout history, and were also taken back to our first love with God.
Food. Freshmen. Fishbowl. Fun.
While school went back into session, we wanted to start off this new semester with some fun and games.
Sophomore Whirly, Winter Gathering in Dallas
Sophomores went on a fun- and food-filled day-trip to Dallas during the break.
The Gift of Jesus and Fellowship
It's time to wrap-up the year with a Koin-style gift exchange and a message on the reason for the holiday season.
Giving Thanks with Joy & Celebration
As Thanksgiving was nearing, many of us spent a weekend recounting the ways God has been faithful to our church and beyond.
Big Questions for a Big Campus
The past three Wednesdays, we were able to explore three big questions about Christianity on campus...
Saturday Adventures with Freshmen and Sophomores
Still itching from the adventure bug after the Enchanted Rock outings, the freshmen and sophomores went on various Saturday outings earlier this month to get active and chow down.
Science & Faith: Can they Coexist?
On Friday, November 4th, we explored the topic of “Science and Faith: Can they coexist?” From our experience, we have encountered many people or have heard many arguments that science and faith cannot coexist, but is that really true?
The Final Installment to the Enchanted Rock Getaways!
This past Saturday, the sophomore students and staff had a chance to also go to Enchanted Rock.
Freshman Getaway to Enchanted Rock!
As with every year, the freshman class and staff hit up Enchanted Rock to escape into nature and to create memories that will last a lifetime!
Strikes, Gutterballs, and Fellowship
After TFN last Friday, the freshmen and the seniors headed to the bowling alley for a night of turkeys, gutter balls, and friendly competition between teams.